10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

7. Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

The worst thing about Crackdown 3 is that expectations weren't even high, and yet it still left fans totally disappointed. After years spent in development hell, suffering one delay after another, the once Xbox One X launch title was sheepishly pushed out this February to virtually no fanfare, almost as if Microsoft knew the pile they had on their hands.

Even with such a publicly tumultuous dev cycle though, there was the hope that it would be good. The brand is beloved, it looked sharp, and how can anything with Terry Crews in it not turn out at least a little bit enjoyable?

The biggest problem was that, despite having so much time off, virtually nothing had changed since the already-too-familiar Crackdown 2. Sure, the graphics were beefed up and the shooting was tighter, but the missions were virtually ripped straight out of the 2010 open-world handbook. The kind of activities the title was made up of wouldn't have cut it in a budget indie game, and they certainly didn't cut it for the return of one of Microsoft's biggest franchises.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3