10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

3. Jump Force

jump force
Spike Chunsoft

Jump Force should have been the easiest home run in video game history. The fighting game blended the worlds of all of your favourite animes, from Dragon Ball Z to Yu Gi Oh, bringing their distinct styles to life with flashy combat and some brilliantly detailed character models.

Sadly, once the developers had accomplished those things they must have stopped working, because the game that was built around them was the most rushed, cheaply-made product. Everything from the animations, to the "story" to the severe lack of content made the experience feel threadbare, even by modern-day fighting game standards. Even the actual combat, while looking occasionally spectacular, was shallow and repetitive, sucking all depth out of the fights.

Though it wasn't the only universe being featured, it didn't help that the title came only a year after the stellar Dragon Ball FighterZ delivered the definitive fighter for that anime, with this not only paling in comparison, but acting as more of a reminder how much of an anomaly that experience was.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3