10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2022

6. Rainbow Six: Extraction

The Callisto Protocol

Rainbow Six: Extraction is the kind of idea that only works if you strike while the iron is hot. Spun off a time-limited co-op mode from Rainbow Six: Siege, where players teamed up to kill aliens and complete objectives, Ubisoft decided there was enough potential there for the mode to headline its own game. With a few aesthetic tweaks and a much bigger budget, Rainbow Six: Quarantine was put into development.

Unfortunately, then the entire world was put into quarantine.

Delayed multiple times over the pandemic and changing its name to avoid association with real world happenings, Rainbow Six: Extraction finally released right at the start of this year and... it was fine. It was a game. It was ok if you were playing with mates.

In fact, it was perfect Game Pass fodder; a decent time with no barrier to entry that successfully blended the mechanics of Siege with a new, more explosive setting. However, it was not a memorable title, and that arguably didn't warrant the resources required to flesh it out into a full game.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3