10 Most Disgusting Creatures In Fallout History

3. Feral Ghouls

fallout 76

While many Ghouls in Fallout are just poor unfortunate souls who were human and have been irradiated so badly they basically have hardly any flesh left, the Feral Ghoul is another thing entirely.

As their name suggests, Feral Ghouls have let the radiation completely erase their minds. They're no longer even close to human, and roam in packs attacking anything they see.

If you're unfamiliar with the Feral Ghoul, picture this. They're essential walking bones with a tiny amount of flesh. Think sunken eye sockets, no nose, protruding teeth, ragged clothes, ribs sticking out....basically, they're the zombies of the Fallout universe.

When you're down in the tunnels in the dark and you're being attacked by these things en-masse, with them running towards you as you shoot blindly, it can be one of the most heart-pounding moments in any of the Fallout games.

In the lore of Fallout, many people are prejudiced against Ghouls in general because of the Feral nature these other Ghouls showcase.

You can find Feral Ghouls pretty much everywhere in the Fallout games, but they particularly like to hang out in dungeons where its dark and dank and they can leap out of the shadows to scare the wits out of you.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.