10 Most Disgusting Creatures In Fallout History

2. Fog Crawler

fallout 76

Nothing like a good old trek through the foggy wilderness, is there? You can become one with nature, see the sights, smell that fresh air and, if you're lucky, encounter some of the resident wildlife.

Of course, if you're a vault survivor in the wastelands of the Fallout universe, the resident wildlife in the foggy wilderness is probably something you really don't want to encounter.

The Fog Crawler likes to hang out anywhere there's fog or cloud. These giant-sized monsters are mutated crustaceans and are believed to be an irradiated descendent of the common shrimp.

Their only appearance in the series so far is in Fallout 4's DLC pack, Far Harbor. That's fine with us - these things hit hard and their terrifying appearance as they slink towards you out of the fog is enough to put you off seafood for the best part of a week.

One of the creepiest things about the Fog Crawler is its speed. As it doesn't use ranged attacks, it'll scuttle towards you at an extremely fast rate, meaning you best be on your toes lest you end up snapped up by its huge claws.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.