10 Most Disgusting Video Game Deaths

5. That Horrible Choice - Wolfenstein: The New Order

Killing Nazi's is such a common occurrence in videogames now, that most of us are desensitised to it. Much like zombies or aliens, Nazi's are any other cannon fodder to the average gamer.

So when Wolfenstein: The New Order arrived in 2014, players weren't expecting one of the most visceral, gruesome torture scenes put to game. What makes it even nastier is the bait-and-switch the game pulls on you initially.

The opening assault on Deathshead's fortress laboratory ends with being forced to choose who of your two teammates dies, with the action cutting away to BJ Blazkowicz's face as the resulting torture plays out. So far, so... good?

It's only near the end of the game that you, and us, are reminded of what you were forced to watch when you make that choice. And I tell you now, it is not gentle. The hapless victim is unfortunately conscious as they endure their brain being removed from their skull. It's pretty harsh to watch, but it makes it all the sweeter when you avenge your fallen comrade.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.