10 Most Disgusting Video Game Deaths

4. Peekaboo - Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil has brought us many varied and gross deaths since its initially offering. Death by zombie, decapitation by both Hunter and Licker, even down to killed by right hands coming off. But for many, the Tyrants are the final word in Umbrella's arsenal.

Fans of the original will remember Ben Bertolucci as a victim of a mutated William Birkin's G-virus spawn, bursting out of his chest. But for last year's remake, Capcom went for something a bit nastier, as Chief Irons already suffers this fate on Claire's story. Leon gets a different treatment.

It seems Umbrella really didn't want any of this getting out, which our hapless reporter/Ada's inside man was planning to do. But instead, Mr. X marks the spot when it finds our trapped prison guest. Proving that bricks and mortar are no match for a Tyrant's power, nor is a human skull, our unlucky journo is picked up and popped like a right melon.

Obviously didn't remember the golden rule: don't back yourself against flimsy walls that genetically engineered monstrosities can grab you through. Duh.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.