10 Most Disgustingly Grotesque Video Game Bosses

6. The Nihilanth - Half-Life

Resident Evil 7 Marguerite

Going back to the clown effect, the Nihilanth is an excellent example of such an effect in practice. It is just human enough to be recognisable but stretches that into something abhorrent.

Of course, a giant space baby with a third arm coming out of his stomach isn't normal, but it contributes to the overall Lovecraftian grotesqueness of the monster.

Combined with the dated graphics and you have something truly magnificent. Half-Life is a game that would be terrible for a remaster. Converting the Nihilanth into next-gen graphics would most likely undermine what made him so disturbing in the first place. It's not slime and perfect movement that makes the alien so grotesque, but rather the base design and shapes.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.