10 Most Disgustingly Grotesque Video Game Bosses

5. Asphyxia - Silent Hill: Homecoming

Resident Evil 7 Marguerite

Let's say you take the Human Centipede, and pump it full of steroids, and then give it enough upper body strength to waddle around like two kids trying to sneak into a movie under a trench coat. That is Asphyxia from Silent Hill: Homecoming.

It is easily one of the most gruesome creations the series has come up with, and whilst some may be more beloved than others, Asphyxia is a brilliant monstrosity. Sure, the boss-fight that follows its arrival is a little... average. But the introduction of the monster is tactfully and frightfully done.

A lot of horror monsters rely on smashing bits and pieces of humans together to form one amalgamated monster. Its a horror tactic as old as time. But where most go for shock value, ala The One Reborn in Bloodborne, the more refrained approach of Asphyixia is an altogether different approach.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.