10 Most Disgustingly Grotesque Video Game Bosses

4. Giygas - Earthbound

Resident Evil 7 Marguerite

Earthbound is a timeless classic and is a testament to high-quality RPGs. From its creative design, unique story and its interesting thematic choices, the game is amazing. So, it is somewhat of a shame that most people only really know the game from its final boss.

Then again, there are far worse things to be remembered for.

Widely known to resemble the shape of an aborted human fetus, Giygas is a sharp turn away from the colourful and childish design of the game. It is a horrifying contrast and becomes even more disturbing on a second playthrough. Once you know what Giygas looks like, the walk up to him takes on a far more sinister design, with an overtly uterine shape.

It plays with a rather controversial subject matter but transforms it into a gruesome encounter. Where South Park is more bombastic with its fetus boss battle, Earthbound has a far more sinister approach. And with the pixilated design, it becomes even more horrifying.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.