10 Most Disgustingly Grotesque Video Game Bosses

2. Lepotica - Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 7 Marguerite

Say what you will about Resident Evil 6, but no one can deny that they created one of the most skin-crawling bosses in the entire series. Lepotica is a walking embodiment of those unnerving pictures with the hundreds of tiny little holes. The ones that display diseases that burrow into your skin, or natural growths of disgusting patterns. In inexplicable spine-tinglers.

A lumbering mass of pus-sacks with a burst open head and lolling tongue, Lepotica is just gross. Plain and simple. The design is so simple, yet perfectly done. It isn't some grotesque manifestation of hundreds of bodies. Its a fat bulge of grotesque perfection.

It might not be the most popular game, but it is hard to deny just how grim and unsightly Lepotica is. In a series with utterly mad boss fights, this one should rank quite high up on sheer disgust alone.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.