10 Most Disturbing Skyrim Secrets (And Where To Find Them)

7. Agrius' Tale - Halldir's Cairn

Halldir's Cairn is a small cave that most Skyrim players probably don't even realise exists due to its location in the very furthest southern corner of the world map. Falkreath is a hold that doesn't really have a lot going for it in terms of interesting missions and lore, however Halldir's Cairn houses one of the most intriguing mysteries in the entire game.

Players who enter the cave will find three dead bandits lying around a small pedestal with a blue beam of light shooting upwards. A note on one of the bandits will tell the player that the trio had recently moved into the cave, but were slowly being taken over and enthralled by an unseen power in the area with them.

By scaling through the cairn and learning more and more about this resting place for the ghosts of the ancient Nords, players will eventually come across Halldir, a powerful Draugr mage that possesses the power of duplicating his spectral self and commands all of the enemies encountered within the dungeon.

One of the few Dragur within the game capable of mastering the various arcane arts, Halldir is responsible for the blue beam of light, using the life essence of those he traps to fuel himself with greater power before sending them to their doom, and summoning them to serve him even after death.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.