10 Most Exciting Open World Video Games Coming In 2018

8. Far Cry 5

Red Dead Redemption 2

For the first time ever, the Far Cry series is coming to America.

Dropping the exotic islands and snowy mountains in favour of a closer-to-home setting, the latest entry in Ubisoft's best open world series is looking to shake things up after a couple of samey-feeling releases.

Arriving in February of next year, Far Cry 5 pits players against a religious cult that's taken over regions of the American South. Sadly, while that probably means you won't get the chance to ride any more elephants, the franchise's focus on wildlife and exploration remains intact, giving players just as many ways to infiltrate and eliminate enemy hideouts in the title's sandbox.

While many people would have been happy if the franchise finally took off into the wackier realms of expansions such as Blood Dragon or last year's Primal, the new, more contemporary setting could still offer a promising step forward for the series.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3