10 Most Exciting Upcoming PSVR Games

7. Eden Tomorrow

Eden Tomorrow is a game coming to PlayStation VR in the very near future. Space is a very common setting for VR titles, mainly because it's a very cool place to explore in true first-person. Thankfully, unlike a wild west town, it's big enough for more than one game.

Eden Tomorrow is a game set on an unknown planet, in which you play as one of two main characters with amnesia. Yeah, that may sound a little ridiculous, but the game itself looks very promising. It's evocative of titles like Farpoint and Robinson: The Journey, while hopefully learning from those games' shortcomings.

If the trailer is anything to go by, Eden Tomorrow could be one of the most beautiful PSVR games, and it looks like it could be a blast to explore the mysterious planet, while avoiding its scary creatures. Eden Tomorrow is releasing very soon, but there's already a demo on the PSN, so check it out for a tease of the full experience.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.