10 Most Exciting Upcoming PSVR Games

6. Falcon Age

In Falcon Age, you play as Ara, a girl who must escape prison, then hunt, gather, and reclaim her land and culture from oppressive colonisers. That's a hefty premise that suggests you'd be in for a dark and weighty story, but Falcon Age is actually a super colourful, gorgeous game that is due for an early 2019 release.

As the name suggests, Falcon Age includes a healthy dose of bird. Which is a weird way of saying Ara's best friend and loyal companion in the game is indeed a falcon. The bird joins Ara as she rots in jail, helps her escape, and continues the adventure with her to reclaim their country from the oppressors. You can use the falcon to hunt other animals to gain resources, and it will help you fight, which you can reward with a good head scratch.

Falcon Age looks like a beautiful title and we're excited to dive in and befriend a badass bird. The game will be released on PS4 first (before PC presumably), and can be played with either a Dualshock 4 or PSVR, but obviously VR is the way to go.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.