10 Most Formidable AI Enemies In Gaming

8. Bokoblins - The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

shadow of mordor black captain

Breath of the Wild has become one of Nintendo's most celebrated titles, continuously lauded for its open-ended gameplay, sprawling world, and emergent gameplay. 

However, another aspect that deserves heavy praise is how the enemies behave. In previous Legend of Zelda entries, Link can wipe the floor with towering beasts, once you've memorised their attack patterns.

But this time around, you can be overpowered while facing the simplest enemies possible: The Bokoblin. Although a lone Bokoblin shouldn't put up much of a fight, it's a different story altogether when tangling with a horde.

These critters can light their clubs or spears on fire, making each strike more devastating. Rather than fighting directly, they'll occasionally shoot explosives near you, catching you in the blast. When a projectile is knocked out their hand, they'll run after it to avoid being unarmed. If they can't find a weapon, Bokoblins will toss stones or even hurl one of their own companions at you. They run in diagonal arcs while on horseback too, making it difficult to line up a shot.

Sneaky strategies like relying on bombs tends to backfire, since Bokoblins can kick the explosive back in Link's direction, or jump out of the blast radius. If you try to lure one of them away, they'll return to base, knowing they're safer.

The Bokoblins may be significantly weaker than enemies like the Guardians or Lynels, but it would be unwise to underestimate them.

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