10 Most Formidable AI Enemies In Gaming

6. The Replicants - Echo

shadow of mordor black captain
Ultra Ultra

It's a pity Ultra Ultra went bust, since the Danish studio's only gaming project, Echo, was brimming with innovation. 

This stealth title centres around a genetically modified human called En who awakens in a palace that spans the entire planet. While navigating through this alien terrain, you'll encounter enemy duplicates of En. 

Rather than formulating an elaborate behavioural pattern, the developers gave the enemies one simple tactic, mimicry. The replicants observe where you go, what doors you open, and what weapons you use. 

They then repeat your moves (hence the title) to find and destroy you in the most efficient way possible. Basically, your actions teach your doubles how to kill you. If you hide behind a specific pillar, the doppelgangers will then lie in wait, at the next given opportunity. If you try to run past them, they'll adapt and block you off.

As a result, Echo feels like it punishes you for using clever strategems over time. If you're a master shot or an expert with stealth, so are they. For this reason, players will feel inclined to save their smartest ideas for later, to stop the replicants from adapting so early.

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