10 Most Frustrating Moments In Zelda History

4. That One. No, That One

zelda-skyward-sword-release-date-is-2011-artwork-600x300 Skyward Sword has been hailed by many as the best Zelda game ever. While it€™s good, I don€™t quite agree with that assessment. Firstly because it takes place in a shoebox, and secondly because the much vaunted control system is frustratingly flawed. I love what they tried to do with it, and it€™s a miracle of technological achievement that they managed to pull it off at all. Indeed, most of it works pretty well, the sword fighting is responsive but I found I was often striking with the sword instead of just moving it to a position where I wanted to strike from. The various B items responded well to the motion, but having to move the Wiimote to select one was a complete nightmare. It was a clever idea to disguise the configuring of the accelerometer, but it meant that choosing the item was never as intuitive as pushing a direction on a d-pad and broke the flow of the game. It was ok when you weren€™t under pressure, but with enemies coming at you the feeling was akin to rummaging through your suitcase to find your passport with an angry queue behind you, and a customs officer in front of you who€™s just itching to try out his new pair of rubber gloves. Also, probably more frustratingly, they chose to change the button sequence to use and put away your items. I lost count of the number of times I fired my second hookshot instead of putting it way. And then said something rude. Good ideas, poorly executed. Frustration rating: 9.

Richard has been playing video games since the days of the BBC Micro, (and incidentally when is Chuckie Egg going to get a reboot?) He is currently available for the post of Head of Marketing at Nintendo, seeing as no-one else seems to be doing the job. He's also a major fan of fantasy/sf books and is just waiting for his novel about an assassin who doesn't wear a hood to get picked up.