10 Most Hated NPCs In Video Games

10. Fi - The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword

the legend of zelda skyward sword

To be honest, I’m a Navi apologist, yes the shrill “Hey, listen!” is annoying, but she’s the key to Z-targeting so I can’t be too mad at her. Skyward Sword’s Fi, though, is a whole other story.

Fi looks awesome, she’s a humanoid spirit living inside the Goddess Sword and that’s pretty much all the nice things I have to say about her. She’s inherited Navi’s tendency to tell you things at length which you already know but somehow goes about it in an even more frustrating way. Oh, finished with that conversation you just had with an NPC? Not to worry, Fi will reiterate the entire thing to you immediately afterwards. Get a prompt that a door is locked? Fi will pop out and tell you what you just heard, that the door is locked.

It’s honestly like she’s trying to get a participation grade or something.

She’ll also stop you to tell you if your controller batteries are anywhere near being depleted, when your equipment needs to be repaired, and I hope you weren’t excited to expand your mind with any of the in-game puzzles because she backseat games and spoils a bunch of them almost immediately. There’s nothing like playing a great adventure game while being constantly nagged. My calculations suggest there’s a 89% chance you aren’t finding that fun.

I do have to give an honorable mention to the owl from Ocarina of Time who talks for so damn long. Moment of silence for those of us who accidentally asked him to tell you his entire spiel again.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.