10 Most Hated Resident Evil Enemies Of All Time

2. Mr. X (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

Resident Evil Frog

In the year or so since the Resident Evil 2 Remake's release, many an article has been written praising the genius and conception of the new and improved Mr. X.

"Isn't his relentlessness incredible?"

"What impressive AI it is that he can track you by footsteps and gunfire?"

Impressive it may be, infuriating it definitely is. Nobody is ever happy to hear the clomp of those boots nearby. Not a single person ever thinks, "Boy, am I glad to see you" as he lumbers down the steps of the RCPD.

Instead, the survival instinct is only outweighed by the frustration at the looming Lurch-in-a-trenchcoat trying to smoosh you into the ground.

But defining moment goes to the NEST section as Leon, when you've battled through the equally annoying Poison Ivy enemies to retrieve a keycard.

An already stressful environment, made exponentially worse with the mute monstrosity crashing through the window directly at you. Leaving you to do what? Run a gauntlet from him through Poison Ivy creatures.

If you didn't hate him before that, you'll be cursing his name by the end of that section.

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Resident Evil
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.