10 Most Hated Resident Evil Enemies Of All Time

3. Crimson Head (Resident Evil Remake)

Resident Evil Frog

A little anecdote for you:

The first time I ever lent down to burn a zombie, only for it to spring back to re-life, I said a loud naughty word and dropped the controller.

Crimson Heads, unless you know what to expect, are terrifying. Even if you do know what's coming, they're still pretty awful. But what incurs the wrath, the hatred, is the unexpected nature of which zombie will turn into one of these uber-undeads.

Theoretically, all zombies in the game will if you leave them long enough. As stated in lore, it only takes half an hour for one to turn.

The problem is, giving the large-scale lateral thinking necessary to remember what's going on in the Arklay mansion, it's hard to keep tabs on when and where you fell a zombie.

So, like me, you may get caught unawares when you remember to bring your fuel canteen and cover your tracks. Or, you've just plain forgotten and one of the buggers springs up as you enter the room and covers an impressive speed to catch up to you.

And then swipe you with those claws.

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Resident Evil
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.