10 Most Haunting Video Game Collectibles

2. Severed Head - Manhunt

Amnesia dark descent

Rockstar purposefully developed Manhunt in 2003 to be one of the most gritty titles the game industry had ever seen, and its level of graphic violence and incredibly dark themes ended up winning it both acclaim and infamy.

With so much violence being pushed on a technically competent piece of hardware like the PS2, it should come as no surprise that Rockstar were able to let their imaginations run wild with all the ways players could deliver some sickening kills.

In Manhunt, weapons are split into four different categories: Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red. The Yellow weapons are melee instruments in the game that players can use as projectiles, however, there's one that sticks out amongst the pack more than any other in the game.

If players use a meat cleaver/machete, achieve a gruesome execution with some barbed wire or a hasty execution with a chainsaw, they will be able to sever the head off of the body of an enemy. The head will bare the same resemblance of the enemy the player has just killed, and can be used to distract or deal some small amount of damage to other enemies in the game.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.