10 Most Haunting Video Game Collectibles

1. Umbilical Cord - Bloodborne

Amnesia dark descent

With a plotline revolving around a terrible plague against Lovecraftian and gothic-Victorian designs, 2015's Bloodborne pulls no punches when it comes to delivering the disturbing.

Bloodborne holds three different endings, though one of these is far rarer than the others. In order to unlock the game's third and 'true' ending, players must collect three (wait for it) umbilical cords.

There are four cords in total across the game to collect, though players are 'only' required to find three before being able to destroy Gerhman. And simply collecting them isn't even the end game when it comes to these disgusting collectibles - players are required to consume them all.

What's more, the means by which players acquire these umbilical cords are some of the most disturbing things they are ever likely to find in a video game. Players will need to pick between killing Mergo's Wet Nurse, exploring the Abandoned Workshop in the Healing Church Workshop, killing a patient at Iosefka's Clinic, or killing Arianna's baby at Cathedral Ward after leading her to safety there.

Even for a game like Bloodborne, this is reading a solid '10' on the disturbing leaderboard.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.