10 Most Hotly Anticipated Original Gaming Properties In 2015

3. Inside

It's not just Jonathan Blow who's making a return in 2015 following a magnum opus indie release, as developer Playdead are delivering their followup to the brilliant, indie genre-defining Limbo, this time with the suitably Orwellian-themed Inside. With little shown outside some select gameplay excerpts it feels like Inside has more of a narrative thrust to proceedings than Limbo's "Hey, why not go that way?"-approach, which can only be a good thing considering how divisive the game's ending was to the masses. You'll have to wait and see exactly what Inside is really about, but considering the cutesy art style that offsets some most likely horrific events within - just like Limbo and that damn spider - Playdead know the level of expectation they're playing with.
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