10 Most Hyped Video Game Moments That Were Massive Disappointments

6. Surviving In The Desert - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

uncharted 3 drake's deception sand
Naughty Dog

There are two types of people in this world - those who like Uncharted 2 more than 3, and the reverse. I'm one of the former, precisely because of how flat many of U3's biggest moments fell.

Case in point: The desert stuff. Drake was shown in the game's PR as being pushed to breaking point, somehow surviving a devastating aeroplane crash and having to cobble together a survival routine from nothing. It looked to really let us explore Drake's psyche as he'd assumedly be without Sully or Elena, and only the sandy dunes for company.

Then you hit that point in the game, and Drake's Deception turns into that bit in Escape from Monkey Island where every direction you go loops back in on itself. It's supposed to make you feel helpless and lost, but thanks to its placement in the story, completely ruins the run-up to the big finale you were otherwise working towards.

When you finally make it out alive, it's not the "Oh, thank god"-style reaction that Journey gives you after that iconic hill climb, but more a "I am NEVER doing that again" feeling that cements Uncharted 3 as the third best of the quadrilogy.

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