10 Most Hyped Video Game Moments That Were Massive Disappointments

5. Playing Hide N' Seek With A Xenomorph - Alien: Isolation

Alien Isolation Gif
Creative Assembly

This isn't as massive a knock against Creative Assembly's near-masterpiece as the other entries on here, but it must be addressed just how deflating the checkpoint placement is within their game.

Leading up to release, Isolation looked to be taking the inherent thrills behind the likes of Slender Man and the entire first-person horror revival, before injecting an actual Xenomorph into the proceedings. The twist? Its pathways and A.I. were random, as the developers aimed to replicate what it might be like to tussle with the creature head-on.

The problem though, was in the checkpointing. See, the Xeno could always kill you immediately, and you could only save at specific parts on the map, with everything from cutscenes to progression completely wiping if you died. No matter if you'd played for 40 minutes or four hours, if you went down, that was it.

Such a choice was clearly made to ramp up the tension, but bad checkpointing in any game is just infuriating. Rather than encouraging you to outsmart the creature using different items and routes through levels, you were encouraged to take the safest option every time - more often than not STILL resulting in losing half your chest cavity in the process.

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