10 Most Hyped Video Game Moments That Were Massive Disappointments

3. P.T. - Silent Hills

P.T. Silent Hills

In the decades to come, we'll look back on P.T. with increased fondness, its existence as an unintentional 'timed exclusive' of sorts giving it some immortal appeal.

You were either there when it happened (E3 2014), or you weren't - and if you were, the crushing realisation that P.T. (Playable Teaser) was going to be a full-on reboot of Silent Hill (named Silent Hills) helmed by both Guillermo del Toro AND Hideo Kojima, was better than any words could describe.

Then... in one of the most unceremonious business moves of all time, Konami sliced the head off MGS V and released it unfinished, before cancelling Silent Hills outright, ostensibly bowing out of the industry as far as anything other than Pro Evolution Soccer was concerned.

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