10 Most Hyped Video Game Moments That Were Massive Disappointments

2. Discovering The "Missing Link" - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom pain snake

I noted in an earlier entry about how no developer in their right mind would troll a modern audience deliberately, but yet again Hideo Kojima did it with 2015's MGS V: The Phantom Pain.

Throughout all the game's pre-release materials and advertising, we were continually reminded that MGS V would provide the "missing link" to bridge the prequel games, and that of the original two Metal Gears on the MSX. We'd supposedly discover what made the hero of MGS 3 slowly descend into a life of madness, what made him turn to using nuclear weapons as a means of defence, and precisely why Big Boss looked to be screaming in an abandoned field, before being covered in blood in another scene.

Then the game dropped and... nope. A twist revealed that there were actually two 'Big Bosses' all along (fitting nicely into the 2D games, as you fought the character twice), yet no effort was taken whatsoever to pad out the advertised "Downfall of Big Boss".

Like literally, nothing whatsoever. The game's real ending can only be found on the special edition bonus disc, and the way TPP wraps up doesn't go anywhere near the notion that Boss is anything other than a soldier.


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