10 Most Iconic Gaming Cheat Codes Ever

4. Metroid NES: Samus Aran Is Sexy!

Metroid was one of Nintendo's classic and formative games, and it was jam-packed with very wordy cheat codes. You'd play as the anonymous Samus Aran, searching for Metroids. It had all the usual platformer fun like power ups and secret passages. But the game also had a bit of a twist. Underneath Samus Aran's suit was a cute, bikini-clad woman, a fact which was only unveiled at the end. However, if by some wizardry a gaming genius knew to enter the password 999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK (seriously) they could play as the pixilated, bikini'd sweetie from the beginning. They'd also face a more challenging game and an interesting alternate ending.
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Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.