10 Most Important Video Games In History

8. Animal Crossing: New Horizons


This is perhaps the most unexpected name on this list, but it's on here for a very good reason.

Animal Crossing was always a very charming series, with your little villager interacting with your animal neighbors, collecting bells, decorating your house, and just having a good time in general. The series evolved a little over the years, but the core has always been the same.

That core became more important than ever when Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out. New Horizons released in March 2020, right when the world locked down due to a global pandemic.

Suddenly for billions of people, day to day life completely changed, with it suddenly becoming impossible to safely hang out with friends or do their daily routines.

But the day to day, real time schedule of New Horizons was the perfect substitute, helping people develop daily routines during such a turbulent time in their lives.

Being able to virtually hang out with the animal villagers as well as real friends in multiplayer raised players spirits, and for helping millions cope during a global crisis, New Horizons has more than earned its place in history.

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