10 Most Important Video Games In History

7. Wolfenstein

ID Software

You ever wanted to shoot Hitler in the face? Of course you have, but it wasn't until Wolfenstein 3D came out that you could actually do so.

In fact, before Wolfenstein, you couldn't really shoot anything in the face. This game from ID software was one of the first first person shooters ever, and the genre quickly took the industry by storm. This game and its contemporaries inspired some of the biggest names in gaming, and created arguably the biggest genre in gaming history.

Without this game, games like Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Portal wouldn't exist, meaning Valve wouldn't be a thing and PC gaming would be completely different.

Billion dollar juggernauts like Call of Duty, which had lines of people out the door of game stores yearly for a midnight release and had tons of both hardcore and more casual players interact with every instalment, wouldn't exist.

FPS games are a top genre in the industry, and it's all thanks to fighting Mecha-Hitler.

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