10 Most Inappropriate Video Game Storylines Ever Written

1. RapeLay

Hatred game
Illusion Soft

Pretty sure this entry doesn't need any explanation at all, just looking at the title is enough to justify why this game isn't exactly everybody's favourite family friendly game.

The player follows a character called Masaya Kimura as he systematically sexually harasses and rapes three innocent women, all because one of them reported him to the police for sexual assault on a train.

Unfortunately, the plot doesn't just end there.

It's about as disgusting and perverse as you would expect, with the addition of pedophilia as well, because the developers wanted nothing more than to go straight to hell.

Unlike almost every other game on this list that can arguably be excused by cartoon violence and tame themes, in comparison, RapeLay simply has no excuse. Especially when you consider the very real issue that Japan has with public molestation and just how much this game exploits that.

The game never gets any better either, there's no point of realisation or change of heart from the protagonist as he realises that actually he's been the worst possible person he could be for the entirety of the games run time.

He at least dies at the end though, so maybe there is a God after all.

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