10 Most Inappropriate Video Game Storylines Ever Written

2. Ethnic Cleansing

Hatred game
Resistance Records

There appears to be a running trend with the games on this list, namely that some have decided subtly just isn't for everybody. After all why bother trying to hide the intentions of your game when instead you can slap it on the front cover plain as day, regardless of how many red flags the entire thing throws up.

So what exactly is Ethnic Cleansing about? Take a wild guess.

The story line - as sparse as it is - starts with the player selecting which type of racist they want to be today, Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, or Klansman like some sort of demented neapolitan ice cream - except every flavour is vanilla.

From there it's a pretty straightforward romp through a single level killing as many minorities as you can until eventually the "hero" of the piece finds their way to the Yiddish Control Center, and finally kills the then current president of Israel.

The thing is Ethnic Cleansing has absolutely no intention of pretending to be about some sort of grander message, some sort of art that only the games developers truly understand.

No, the game just simply wants you to know it hates everybody and so should you.

Apart from white people of course.

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