10 Most Infuriating Cards In Magic: The Gathering

From stopping effects to stopping you playing the game, what are the most annoying cards in MTG?

Teferi Time Raveller
Wizards Of The Coast

For a game that's been going for 27 years and has over 10,000 unique cards, the game is surprisingly well balanced. No, please don't shoot me for saying that, I know that there are a good deal of crazy effects, ridiculous mechanic and game-breaking combos but most formats regularly put out ban lists and stop the deck-builds that are just too good. Still, Wizards of the Coast aren't perfect, they're the ones who balanced D&D after all, and there are a few cards that slip through the cracks here and there.

These cards aren't necessarily the most powerful or the easiest to play, but they are the ones which pack the most punch - and by that I mean be prepared for your opponent to want to punch you in the face if you play one of these cards, as this is a list of the 10 most infuriating cards to play against. Most of these cards aren't just annoying for your opponent, but can also be exhausting for you if you're the one playing these ridiculous cards, unless your deck is specifically built around them.

So draw your seven cards, prepare your strategy and...do nothing because my card said so.

10. Aura Shards

Are you sick of those pesky enchantments and artifacts that your opponents are playing? Well, you could stack your deck full of targeted removal, or you could simply include one of these. In all seriousness though, please don’t, you’re likely to lose a lot of friends if you play this card.

On the flip-side. Playing against this card with any deck can be mind numbing. While it might not look like much from the get-go, this effect triggering every time its controller plays a creature means it will eventually wipe out all of your artifacts and enchantments. That, again, might not sound like much as there are board wipes which do similar things, but this sustained effect means that you can’t even risk playing these types of cards for fear that they’ll be quickly removed.

And if you happen to be playing an artifact deck when your opponent whips this out, congratulations, that one card just lost you the game.


Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!