10 Most Infuriating Cards In Magic: The Gathering

6. Linvala, Keeper Of Silence

Something potentially even more essential to the game of Magic the Gathering than battlefield entry effects are those effects which you activate. Whether it be through mana or by tapping the card, there are so many creatures with an ‘activated ability’. Sure, if your opponent is playing a Deathrite Shaman in your casual friendly game then go for it, they probably had it coming, but in no other circumstances should you ever consider being ‘that guy’.

As well as outwardly preventing some of the most interesting and powerful creatures in magic from doing what makes them great, you also completely shut down smaller creatures like mana dorks. So, in a game where you’re playing mono green and you’re rushing out your elves for the big game-winning play, your opponent suddenly brings out Linvala, Keeper of Silence and suddenly your mana dorks are worthless 1/1s or 0/2s.

What’s more, while many cards on this list affect everyone, this one only targets opponents meaning the guy who plays this has nothing to worry about.


Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!