10 Most Insanely Elaborate Video Game Easter Eggs

6. The "Unsolvable" Black Monolith Puzzle - Fez

Fez Black Monolith
Polytron Corporation

Fez is one of the most critically acclaimed puzzle-platformers of the last decade, though its final mystery was so tough it left fans on the verge of tearing their hair out.

The game's final challenge was effectively an Easter egg in of itself: making a Black Monolith appear in order to receive the final collectible red cube.

Literally thousands of players feverishly collaborated on trying to figure out the solution, before eventually realising that a torn map in the game could be translated into a cheat code, which would make the Monolith appear.

But that wasn't the end of it. Players still had no idea what to do with the Monolith in order to reveal the final red cube, with many even assuming that Fez's infamously flippant creator Phil Fish might've included the object in the game as a mere troll meant to torment players forever more.

Members of the dev team eventually helped players out by confirming that additional button inputs would solve the Monolith, prompting fans to literally brute-force the puzzle, spending 18 hours trying out 66,227 different combinations.

The Monolith was eventually cracked by entering the command "Down, Down, LT, RT, RT, A and Up," revealing the red cube even though players still had no idea about the puzzle's precise logic.

Though an enterprising fan believes they found a solution to the puzzle - and it makes a certain amount of sense - others have suggested that the purpose of this final challenge was simply to force the community to work together. Awww.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.