10 Most Intense Moral Choices In Video Game History
1. How Do You End An Entire Game Series? (Mass Effect 3)
As much as everyone claimed to dislike the outcome of Mass Effect 3, there’s no denying that upon first playthrough the final gameplay decision was one of the toughest choices you've ever had to make in a any title ever.
Maybe not because of the difficulty in choosing the “best” option for you between the three outcomes, but more because three games’ worth of personalising and moulding your individual Commander Shepard had all led up to this final action.
The weight that came with definitively finishing your own experience in the final title of a beloved game series is felt like an absolutely daunting task. The title forced you to reflect over your entire experience with the whole franchise in order to come to a decision that would ultimately conclude and finish off your own experience with the game for good. In that moment, choosing between a red, green or blue ending was the hardest thing you’ve ever done.
So while the choices themselves might have been lacking in some respects, it didn't negate the fact that the act of choosing to end the series once and for all was one of the most intense things lovers of this franchise have ever had to do.