10 Most Morally Bankrupt Things You’ve Ever Done In Video Games

1. Playing Any Of The Leisure Suit Larry Games

Leisure Suit Larry is one of the more abhorrent series to emerge from the 80's allowing gamers of all ages to experience what a seedy mid life crisis could (and for many would) be like. Why did this make the list? Well, because it takes a certain kind of person to not only play the games, but to enjoy the innuendo and the shallow escapades on which the series hinge themselves, making this the lowliest form of escapism - all as you charmlessly attempt to get (virtually) laid. To you, who played a Leisure Suit Larry game all the way through, and worst still enjoyed it, you truly are a monster beyond redemption. But that doesn't mean it wasn't fun. If there are any games or acts you committed that weren€™t listed, we€™d love to hear about them, without the need for police intervention of course€

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.