10 Most Nostalgic Video Game Secrets

9. Retro Levels - Tetris Effect

Resident Evil 6
Enhance Games

If you were asked to close your eyes and picture Tetris, how would you see it? Despite the numerous releases in the series, it’s fair to say that most gamers’ minds go to that familiar off-yellow and black of the GameBoy’s glow when they think about the best-selling puzzle game.

Getting to Level 50 in 2018’s Tetris Effect will unlock a stage that is an ode to this legendary version. Just seeing blocks fall in this colour scheme will be enough to make you feel warm inside but the extra effort is truly lovely; a morphing background of squat dancing Russian men and the architecture that we all remember from the game’s title screen And, of course, that piece of music that gets more and more hyped the further you go.

There’s actually a second unlockable stage which goes even further back. Inserting the Konami code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A) on the game’s title screen will throw a textbox your way. Enter the release date of the original 1984 Electronika 60 prototype of the game and you’ll be sent back to the start of it all.

It’s much simpler and far less flashy but is an appreciated reference to Tetris’ long history; how one experiment on a Russian computer led to a billion dollar making franchise.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.