10 Most Offensive Moments In Duke Nukem History

6. Game.Com's Terrible Duke Nukem 3D Port


The technology just wasn't there yet for the abysmal handheld Game.com console. This port of Duke Nukem 3D offered only a small handful of levels, enemies, weapons and quotes. Everything from guns to baddies was painted entirely in black and white like some sort of flick from the fifties, and the game itself played more like a stop-motion dungeon crawler (or better yet, a flip book) than an actual 3D game.

This begs the question: who honestly thought it would be great fun to move at a snail's pace at about a single frame per second, gunning down aliens with an incredibly deep-voiced Duke exclaiming the same three lines over and over?

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Duke Nukem
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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.