10 Most Offensive Moments In Duke Nukem History

7. Duke Nukem: Critical Mass Exists


This side-scroller for the DS had clunky controls, some very ugly graphics and boring, bug-filled gameplay. It was critically panned by pretty much everyone because it felt like Duke's name was slapped on a low-quality budget game about as entertaining as scrubbing the insides of a filthy, alien blood-stained toilet. The soundtrack, too, was nothing short of bland and forgettable.

Duke Nukem: Critical Mass was intended for a PSP release, and based on the trailer, it looked like a much better game. Instead of 2.5D €œaction€, it was a third-person shooter with better graphics and some very cool cut-scenes.

However, it was soon turned into its own game; Extraction Point: Alien Shootout. Strangely, the source code for the game was found in the Library of Congress a few years back. Perhaps Duke was using it as a bookmark as he dove into some classic literature - or art books of naked ladies riding in giant clams.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.