10 Most Offensive Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

5. Dead Island's Just Plain Weird Treatment Of Women

Dead Island

You'll notice a trend when looking into many offensive moments of the last five years - a lot of them revolve around the portrayal of women.

Speaking of which, you know what I want to buy as a pre-order bonus? A whopping great torso. And not even the full upper half, no, I just want the severed stomach and boobs of a bikini beach babe, because that's totally worth immortalising forevermore.

Just pop it on the fireplace, grandma's gonna love it when she comes round at Christmas.

Such an idea somehow went from pen to product before someone thought it was a tad too objectifying and flat-out wrong to sell your game off the literal back of some massacred remains - especially seeing as this literally turns a full, human woman into a serial killer-esque trophy to be displayed around your home.

Not only that, but the original Dead Island got into even deeper hot water when an accidentally early-released version of the game popped on Steam, giving female character Purna a skill called 'FeministWhore' in the game's code. Techland were took to task and profusely apologised, only to enter into the same territory with re-release Riptide, when the aforementioned half-corpse showed up.

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