10 Most Offensive Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

6. Crystal Dynamics Assuming All Women Are Weak In Tomb Raider

Tomb raider rape scene
Crystal Dynamics

Crystal Dynamics almost got the revamped Tomb Raider so right, but in pursuit of "world-weary warrior" they stumbled into "abuse survivor". Both build character and resilience, sure, but watching Lara ping-pong around the game's environments during in-game cutscenes is nowhere as effective as something like Ellie deciding to stick up for herself against David in The Last of Us.

This approach to showing just how much Lara could go through reached a zenith when executive producer Ron Rosenberg stated you'd "want to protect" Lara, before saying "When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character".

So, an assumption that all women are fundamentally weaker? Check. The confirmation that Lara actually can't handle herself and needs to be 'protected'? Check. Labelling the character a "cornered animal" and implying a rape scene will inevitably happen as part of 'character building'? Chec- I mean, man, it's no wonder the rebooted 'Raider didn't take off as intended.

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Gaming Editor

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