10 Most Offensive Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

3. Quiet's Portrayal In Metal Gear Solid V

Metal Gear Solid V Quiet

Apparently, what creator Hideo Kojima was trying to do with Quiet, was highlight the differences in how the East and West view the female form. By making Quiet devoid of any real personality other than 'mute badass', her sex appeal was amplified tenfold by having her constantly half-naked.

Many western journalists declared it was sexist, offensive and outright ridiculous that such a tasteless and smutty depiction was included in a modern video game (especially as you can 'unlock' what amounts to a private dance by Quiet if you stare at her long enough), whilst the sizeable collectible figure market in Japan received... one with squeezable boobs.

Because Metal Gear.

In-game you'll notice a ton of leering camera shots zooming into the character's chest, rear end and just generally looking her up and down at all times.

It's the same approach to viewing women as Michael Bay, and although Kojima has an ulterior motive in making you "question your words and deeds" as to why we're so responsive to such portrayals in the first place, there are a million more effective (and less creepy) ways this could have been done.

Plus, try getting anyone to get past the "Hurr durr, bewbs!" reaction long enough to have a discussion anyway.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.