10 Most Offensive Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

2. Ride To Hell Rewards Homicide With Random Sex Scene

ride to hell retribution

What in the blue HELL were developers Eutechnyx thinking when they put together Ride to Hell: Retribution? It certainly wasn't 'common decency', as not only was gameplay so bad that all subsequent instalments were immediately cancelled, but one mission that drew the ire of all within earshot came with the killing of a random woman's partner.

Following said killing, you're treated to a scene straight out a bargain bucket porn flick. For literally no reason whatsoever other than you're supposedly 'saving' this woman, suddenly her dialogue starts talking about "showing you what a real mechanic to do", then the music gets all twangy and it cuts... to one of the worst sex scenes of all time.

Seriously. Take a look at this mess:

Even outside the godawful animation, your 'reward' for killing a guy is to bed his wife? Just like that? Brilliant, Ride to Hell, that's precisely how life works.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.