10 Most Out Of Place Scenes In Gaming History

9. Fithragaer's Death - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Death Stranding

The Elder Scrolls games are renowned for the richness of their storytelling, characters, and world-building, though this is often braced up against some ill-advised tonal choices.

This is evidenced in the Mage's Guild quest "Liberation or Apprehension?," where upon entering the Ayleid Ruin you'll come into contact with the one surviving battlemage in the ruin known as Fithragaer.

Fithragaer wants to help the player reach the Necromancer informant, but within seconds of running ahead, poor Fithragaer triggers a trap, causing the large stone tile he's standing on to quickly raise upwards into a set of spikes on the ceiling.

When the stone column returns to the floor, we're left to observe Fithragaer's mangled remains.

What should be a shocking and unpleasant moment is actually unintentionally hilarious - the gusto with which he bounds forward, only to fall into the most rudimentary of traps, is likely to make players consider how truly idiotic the other battlemages must've been for him to be their final surviving one.

If Bethesda wanted to instill fear in the player and make them worry about the many hidden dangers within the ruin, this absolutely wasn't the way to do it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.