10 Most Out Of Place Scenes In Gaming History

8. Dante & Agnus Go Full Shakespeare - Devil May Cry 4

Death Stranding

Much like their Resident Evil series, Capcom's Devil May Cry franchise doesn't ever take itself particularly seriously, yet even the action-adventure franchise's trademark goofiness left fans unprepared for the utter unhinged insanity of Devil May Cry 4's 17th mission.

This mission sees Dante once again battling Agnus, and the pre-fight cutscene between the two has more theatrical posturing and ridiculous one-liners than your average WWE promo.

From the ultra-dramatic, poetic line readings to the moody, stage-like lighting, and haunting music, it feels like we're watching a Shakespeare play, hammered home by the fact that Agnus even literally monologues while holding a damn skull, Hamlet-style.

If you assume from this context-free clip that the cutscene actually informs the characters' conflict and subsequent boss fight, think again - this is totally random and never even remotely explained, which really only makes it that much funnier.

It's clearly supposed to be funny, but that doesn't make it any less out of place compared to the style and tone of the rest of the game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.