10 Most Out-Of-Place Scenes In Video Games

5. Shacking Up With Aphrodite - God Of War III

it takes two elephant
Sony Computer Entertainment

There's no easy to say this - In God of War III, Kratos has sex with Aphrodite. Even though this sequence sounds inappropriate at first, it could work if handled properly.

After all, the Ancient Greek pantheon is legendary for embracing their carnal desires and hedonism. That goes double for Aphrodite since she is literally the goddess of love and desire.

Because we don't actually see Kratos and Aphrodite perform coitus, you'd assume the developers tried their best to keep things classy. But since the camera cuts to the deity' handmaidens pleasuring themselves while the player wiggles the control sticks to satisfy Aphrodite, this scene feels all over the place.

As Aphrodite's minions giggle and comment on your performance while caressing each other, it's hard to tell if this sequence was intended to be funny or sexy.

Not only that, having Kratos lay in Aphrodite's bed seems to contradict the Spartan warrior's personality. Because his quest to kill the gods was spurred by his need to avenge his wife and daughter, it feels out of character for Kratos to shack up with another woman, especially a goddess.

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It Takes Two
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