10 Most Out-Of-Place Scenes In Video Games

4. It Was The Dog All Along - Silent Hill 2

it takes two elephant

As frightening and unsettling as Silent Hill was, its sequel amplified the horror factor exponentially. The utter fear you experience encountering the Lying Figures, the mannequins, and Pyramid Head have helped Silent Hill 2 garner a reputation as one of the scariest games ever.

But one moment that juxtaposes the terrifying atmosphere perpetuating throughout the game is The Dog Ending. By performing a specific series of actions, you can enter a room where it's revealed that all the horrors you've experienced have been masterminded by a Shiba mutt called Mira.

It goes without saying that this conclusion is a joke and isn't considered canon. But because Silent Hill 2 doesn't contain a gram of humour up until this point, it's hard to grasp how confused players are when they come across this devious pup.

Imagine Dead Rising concluded with a battle against Ronald McDonald. Imagine defeating the final boss of Manhunt by having him slip on a banana peel. That's how surreal this revealtion feels! Even though the first Silent Hill has a joke ending involving aliens, this climax feels a lot more out of left-field.

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It Takes Two
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