10 Most Over Powered Power-Ups In Super Mario History

5. Super Star

Blue Shell Mario Kart

Another one of Mario's most famous power ups, the Super Star power up first appeared back in 1985's Super Mario Bros. and not only transforms the plumber's appearance, but is one of the items in Mario history to get its very own jingle.

Mainly spawning in unique Toad Houses and hard to reach or secret item boxes, Stars in both 2D and 3D games tend to possess the same benefits.

On top of the snazzy new outfit and upbeat music, Stars grant Mario a temporary boost in speed and allow him to destroy any enemy that comes up in front of him. Certain games take this even further by granting a flurry of 1UPs to a player if they're able to combo their Stars with a certain amount of enemies.

Other games, away from the 2D and 3D platformers, have gone out of their way to show off the power of these Stars too.

Stars have been found in the Item Boxes of every Mario Kart since the original, and once again give players a temporary increase in speed and the ability to take down fellow racers whilst remaining invulnerable to any other items on the track.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.